Workshops Files

Detroit PR for ProfessionalsDownload

Our Common WelfareDownload

Overcoming Barriers to Effective CBDMDownload

PR Basics in a Virtual WorldDownload

Virtual Workspaces, Service Structure, HomegroupsDownload

PR, Cooperating with Law Enforcement Part 1Download

PR, Cooperating with Law Enforcement Part 2Download

Disruptive and Predatory BehaviorDownload

Fellowship DevelopmentDownload

IDT: Gender Neutral LanguageDownload

H&I Basics in a Virtual WorldDownload

NAWS Update September 2023Download

Collaboration of US ZonesDownload

Mentorship / OnboardingDownload

Recovery Based ServiceDownload

How to build a service workshopDownload

GSR WorkshopDownload

Human Resource Pool (HRP)PresentationDownload

Illness in RecoveryDownload

Kickstarting H&IDownload

Public Relations in a PandemicDownload

Website Development and MaintenanceDownload

WSC Progress PresentationDownload


Zonal CollaborativeDownload

Knowing those you serveDownload

Addressing Predatory BehaviorDownload


Conscience Based Decision MakingDownload

Additional needsDownload

Being a Conference ParticipantDownload

Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT)Download

Common NeedsDownload

A Morning With Narcotics AnonymousDownload

Attracting Members to NADownload

Mentorship & ContinuityDownload

PR – Cooperation with law enforcementDownload

So you want to be a treasurerDownload

Facebook PSA PresentationDownload

Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT)Download

How To Build A Nationwide PhonelineDownload

Building strong homegroupsDownload

NAWS Update November 2018Download

P3 – Project Primary PurposeDownload

Attracting Members to ServiceDownload

PR Basics & Beyond Download

Sponsorship Behind the WallsDownload

Serving NA in Rural and Isolated CommunitiesDownload

Spiritual Principle a Day (SPAD)Download

Website Design 101 & Privacy and NA WebsitesDownload

WSC ProgressDownload

Carrying the NA Message and Making NA AttractiveDownload

DRT MAT and NADownload

Planning a PR PresentationDownload

So…You completed an inventory – What’s Next?Download

GSR RCM Reverse JeopardyDownload

Making Shit Happen through Virtual WorkgroupsDownload

Phonelines-Successes and ObstaclesDownload

Plan is a PathDownload

Planning PR PresentationDownload

PR BasicsDownload

Service System Project (SSP) UpdateDownload

Social Media IDTDownload

Technology to Further Our Service EffortsDownload

Unifying CommunicationsDownload

Excellent Services – A Positive ApproachDownload


Zonal PR & FD EffortsDownload

Atmosphere of RecoveryDownload

Convention and Events Best PracticesDownload


Effective Report WritingDownload

Future of WSCDownload

H&I BasicsDownload

NAWS Update September 2016Download

Consensus Based Decision MakingDownload

PR What Is It & What About H&IDownload

Reporting TipsDownload

Behind the Walls Sponsorship ProgramDownload

SSP FlexibilityDownload

Tradition 11Download

Web Site 101Download

Why We ServeDownload

Advanced Web SitesDownload

Creating An Interactive WorkshopDownload

Designing Flyers & NewslettersDownload

Effective Facilitation & Team BuildingDownload

Business Matters: 501c3, RSO’s and InsuranceDownload

Fellowship Development – What Is It?Download

Financial Planning BasicDownload

Navigating NA.orgDownload